School & Job

Education is essential to the future of the new generation. The UniCredit Foundation invests in young people to ensure equal access to opportunities for growth and development in partnership with educational institutions. Ultimately, the aim is to give young people the chance to realise their full potential in society. 

In today’s fast-paced environment, it is more important than ever  that students have access to an education that will build the  foundational knowledge and skills needed to participate in  society and play active roles in their communities. Education is essential to reducing social inequality. A quality school offers  safe spaces, adequate infrastructure and services, and equal  learning opportunities for all – including those who are most  disadvantaged. 

Our achievements

Total donation
students targeted for training during the period 2023-26

Bridging educational inequalities through global partnerships


  • The UniCredit Foundation and the global education network Teach For All have launched a three-year partnership which aims to enhance the quality of education in underserved schools across Europe and advocate for educational equality throughout the continent.1 

    Focused on six countries where UniCredit operates, the transformative partnership builds on a robust existing relationship established between Teach For All and the UniCredit Group in 2022. This has already successfully trained and supported almost 600 diverse fellow teachers within Teach For All’s European network. These efforts significantly improved the educational experiences of over 40,600 students across the continent in just one year.

    The new support from the UniCredit Foundation for the period 2023-2026 will play a pivotal role in enabling Teach For All to expand its impact and cultivate new teacher-leaders to drive positive educational outcomes for Europe’s most marginalised students.

    Teach For All operates through a network of affiliated independent organisations which implement the project at the national level in the European countries included. Each organisation recruits and selects individuals from various backgrounds, including recent graduates, experienced teachers and professionals from the private and public sectors. These individuals undergo an intensive training programme to teach in schools facing the greatest challenges related to educational poverty. They receive ongoing support and guidance throughout their two years of teaching experience in schools.


    total donation


    total cumulative new teachers selected and trained over the period 2023-2026


    total cumulative students that benefited over the period 2023-2026

    6 countries

    Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Romania and Slovakia

    1. For more information on Teach For All refer to the website:

  • In July 2023, Junior Achievement Europe joined with the UniCredit Foundation to unveil Re-power your future, a new ground-breaking initiative aimed at preventing early school dropout rates involving 10 UniCredit countries in a three-year programme.

    Junior Achievement2 stands as Europe’s largest non-profit organisation dedicated to preparing young individuals for employment and entrepreneurship. It is a member of Junior  Achievement Worldwide, which has a century-long legacy of  delivering hands-on, experiential learning in entrepreneurship,  work readiness, and financial literacy.

    Targeting teenagers aged 10 to 19 – a crucial age for further education and future labour market integration – the joint  programme strives to reignite student engagement in schools,  enhance academic outcomes, curb dropouts, and inspire young  minds to pursue careers aligned with their passions. The Re-power your future programme is focused on schools operating in regions with particularly high dropout rates, high poverty rates, or weak educational systems, identified using data from the national Ministries of Education and national statistics agencies.


    total donation

    3 years

    of implementation 


    schools involved


    student beneficiaries

    10 countries

    Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia


    2. For more information on Junior Achievement Europe refer to the website:

The power of grassroots initiatives for lasting impact


  • Leveraging the in-depth knowledge of local stakeholders and a  collaborative approach, the Call for Education is an invitation for  organisations to apply for funding aimed at addressing  educational poverty through a process that ensures transparent,  independent, and fair selection processes across all in-scope  countries. 

    The goal of the Call for Education 2023 initiative was to support  programmes combating educational disadvantage in Austria,  Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany,  Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Slovakia, and Slovenia. It comprised a  total funding pot of €3.2 million for programmes targeting  secondary school students (age range 11-19) and implemented  by non-profit organisations. with particular attention paid to  tackling early leavers, encouraging university attainment, and  supporting acquisition of skills to enter the job market. 

    The call was launched in June, inviting the Group’s local banks to identify a shortlist of up to five outstanding projects capable of  meeting the objectives, while also creating growth opportunities  for the proposing organisations. Applicants were required to  submit a logical framework and a KPI tracking tool to build an  activity plan underpinned by evaluation indicators and solid and  transparent monitoring tools. A specially established Evaluation  Committee selected the winning projects in October. 

    From 175 candidates, 18 projects were selected to be awarded  with a total amount of nearly €3.25 million. This initiative follows  the Call for Education – Romania and Bulgaria, which was  launched at the end of 2022 with the disbursement of €500,000  to four projects aimed at addressing educational disadvantage in  the two countries.







Silvia Cappellini

The Call for Education allowed us to broaden our perspective by adopting fresh intervention programmes and discovering novel avenues for enhancement, thus continually honing our approach. Highlighting local innovative practices, deeply entrenched in established pathways, remains crucial in executing our strategy.”

Silvia Cappellini

General Manager, UniCredit Foundation